Saucer Magnolia: Lennei Magnolia Hybrid

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Saucer Magnolia: Magnolia x Soulangiana ‘Lennei’

Saucer Magnolia is a hybrid plant in the genus Magnolia and one of the most commonly used magnolias in horticulture in the British Isles and beyond.

The saucer magnolia or Magnolia x Soulangiana was initially bred by Étienne Soulange-Bodin, one of Napoleon’s soldiers. The French crossed Magnolia denudata with M. liliiflora in 1820 at his château, close to Paris.

The saucer magnolia is also known as ‘Lennei’. It is a large shrub, growing up to 6 m, with large leaves and flowers. The large leaves are ovate and can reach 25 cm. The flowers are goblet-shaped, deep rose-purple outside and white on the inside.

Saucer magnolia, unlike many other magnolias is known for it’s tolerance to wind and alkaline soils, making it easy to cultivate. They grow well in moist, well-drained soil in full sun or partial shelter. The Royal Horticultural Society have much more information on cultivating magnolias.

The post capture shows a Saucer Magnolia captures last weekend at Westonbirt Arboretum close to the Roman city of Bath in the South-West of Great Britain.

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